Kees Hendrickx

Recording Artist / Producer

3 Reasons why you need to hear Kees Hendrickx’ new CD. You won’t believe the last one….

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3 Reasons why you need to hear Kees Hendrickx’ new CD. You won’t believe the last one….

  1. A sophisticated media campaign which manipulated your need to read headlines referencing a provocative issue and tease an unexpected revelation about the topic.
  1. In the words of Dougal from Father Ted “Oh Wow! It’s like a big rabbit rock festival!”
  1. Ah go on sure….

If you are still not sure after these fantastic reason CNN have given you why not see for yourself and get a copy of the ‘Slowburner’ E.P. You can purchase it here on iTunes and here on Bandcamp

Slowburner  Cover Front